Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Cunt Remix (Final Paper)

Before reading this, please be advised that the word cunt is used uncensored throughout this blog post. It is not intended to insult or offend anyone, but to serve as a subject for academic analysis and understanding.

Most individuals who have lived in western civilizations have usually heard the saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” However, I believe author Manly Hall said it best when he stated, “Words are potent weapons for all causes, good or bad” ( I have stated before that to me, words are simply a combination of letters with meaning attached to them; it is within this meaning that gives words the power to warm and protect or the power to burn and destroy. Generally within most societies are rules (whether written or unwritten) that inform individuals what words one should avoid saying at all costs. Western countries such as the United States for example also have words that individuals are discouraged to say; these words may be discouraged based on racial or prejudice attitudes and a history that the words may come with (i.e. fag, nigger, kike), or they may be words that have been simply deemed “curse” words (bad words) by society (i.e. shit, fuck, damn). In terms of these inappropriate words in Western society, there is one word that many individuals consider to be the most offensive “curse” word in the English language; this word, plainly and simply, is known as cunt.
In this final class-related post, I will be re-analyzing the word cunt, and how it is used in today’s Western culture to insult/demean a target population or group of individuals. In order to provide an accurate understanding of the word cunt and its usage, I will provide for the reader a historical investigation and overview of the word cunt, in order to both determine the word’s previous connotations and to compare them to their modern day connotations. Based upon this analysis, I will be able to predict who is more likely to use the word cunt, and determine the underlying social constructions that fuel the word’s use within society. Furthermore, this analysis I will examine how the words target population feels about the word cunt and if the word truly makes them feel like “victims,” or instead makes them feel liberated from average society.
A History of Cunt
Before we proceed down towards the early origins of the word cunt, it is necessary for the reader to have a basic understanding as to the modern day definition of cunt; that way, one can understand what changes (if any) have been made in terms of cunt’s connotations or meaning. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, cunt is defined as an obscene reference to the female genital organs; it is also loosely defined as a disparaging and obscene term for a woman ( As we can see (and what some of us may have already known), the word cunt seems to clearly have associations with females and their genitals; however, the definition also stated that it is often used as an insult toward woman. Keeping this in mind, we can proceed to examine the early origins of the word cunt and if its reference towards women is evident from the beginnings of its birth.
When looking at any words history, it is imperative to start with the etymology of the word itself. According to Matthew Hunt’s article, Cunt: the History of the C-Word he states, “the origins of 'cunt' can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European 'cu', one of the oldest word-sounds in recorded language. 'Cu' is an expression quintessentially associated with femininity, and forms the basis of 'cow', 'queen', and 'cunt'. The c-word's second most significant influence is the Latin term 'cuneus', meaning 'wedge'. The Old Dutch 'kunte' provides the plosive final consonant” (, 2012). However, according to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the true etymology of the word cunt is a matter of debate.
The word cunt in its modern meaning is attested in the Middle English collection of sayings known as The Proverbs of Alfred, which was published some time before 1325. Within it, it gives the following advice, “Give your cunt wisely and make (your) demands after the wedding” Anderson, 1942). Since the early 13th century, the word cunt has been used in its anatomical meaning (, 2012). However, at this period of time the word cunt was not a word that should not be spoken but was simply a word used as a synonym for female genitals. For example, in Geoffrey Chaucer’s 1390 tale The Canterbury Tales, the word cunt is used several times quite openly, without public outcry (, 2012).
However, starting around the year 1230, we start to see the beginnings of cunt’s turn towards stigmatization. According to the first appearance of the word cunt in the Oxford English Dictionary from 1972, cunt was associated with the street name
Gropecunt Lane
, a common street name in English towns and cities during the Middle Ages (, 2012). These lanes were generally used as the areas of prostitution, similar to Red Light Districts we know today ( Ultimately, over the course of a few centuries the word cunt became something frowned upon.  For example, in Francis Grose’s 1785 book, A Classical Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue, he defined the word as, “a nasty name for a nasty thing” (
By the late 14th and early 15th century, the word cunt had become obscene. However, that did not stop many artists and/or writers from incorporating the ‘nasty name’ into their work. For example, William Shakespeare still used the word cunt in a number of his plays, including Hamlet, Henry V, and Twelfth Night (, 2012). However, because of the new nature of the word cunt, many writers’ books or poems were consequently considered controversial by the elites and ruling classes of society; such work includes James Joyce’s Ulysses, D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Henry Millar’s Tropic of Cancer, and Ian McEwan’s Atonement ( Many of these books were banned in schools and certain shops for a number of years, and some schools continue to ban these books to this day.
Ultimately, it seems that the early origin of the word cunt also shares the same reference to female anatomy (specifically the female genitals) as the current definition of the word does. However, what this overview of cunt’s history has taught us is that cunt was not always considered a ‘curse’ word or a ‘nasty thing.’ Instead, it was considered simply what it was, a reference to a woman’s genitals. Thus, the question that should be addressed is why the essence of femininity suddenly became something so disgusting and taboo to individuals. This question will be addressed later in the discussion and conclusion, along with other aspects regarding the history of the word cunt.
The 21st Century Cunt
As we have just learned, the word cunt has been used throughout history to identify a woman’s genital organs, and according to Merriam-Webster dictionary can now be used as a disparaging and obscene term for women. However, according to the Oxford English Dictionary the word cunt can also be used as a derogatory term which can refer to anyone. This usage of the word cunt is relatively recent, dating from the late 19th century and defines an individual as an unpleasant or stupid person (Oxford English Dictionary).Today, the word cunt can be seen or heard through film, premium cable television, books, artwork, radio, comedy, music, theatre, and video games. However, the stigma behind the word remains, meaning that cunt is still considered by many to be an extremely offensive word.
I believe we are at the point where it is necessary to examine what has truly happened to the word cunt, in regards to its usage in today’s society. Essentially what has happened is that the word cunt has become a label. According to Howard S. Becker’s Labeling Theory, “social groups create deviance by making the rules whose infraction constitutes deviance, and by applying those rules to particular people and labeling them as outsiders. From this point of view, deviance is not a quality of the act the person commits, but rather a consequence of the application by others of rules and sanctions to an ‘offender.’ The deviant is one to whom that label has successfully been applied (Becker, 1963). As the definition clearly states, the word cunt is more often than not used as an insult towards women. Thus, we can positively state that women are the target population in regards to cunt’s stigmatization within Western Society. However, do all women find the word cunt offensive? Or do some women think the word cunt is something that should be taken back and liberated?
Cunt: a Word Divided
To borrow from the questions stated above, it is essential to ask, do women have different views on the word cunt? To answer this question as frankly as possible, yes, yes they do. Among women (the target population that is most often stigmatized by the word cunt), one finds that they are often divided into two or three camps. There are women who find the word cunt utterly offensive, there are women who don’t mind the word so much (who may or may not choose to use it), and there are women who fight to liberate the word cunt; to try and take it back, so it can symbolize the power and independence of women. All three of these groups write, report, blog and broadcast their opinions on cunt, and each group will be briefly discussed throughout this section.
According to Hank Johnston’s article Social Movements and Culture, he writes that certain feminists in the 1970s had sought to eliminate disparaging terms for women such as bitch, slut, and cunt (Johnston, 1995). Furthermore, in Dany Lacombe’s article Blue Politics: Pornography and the Law in the Age of Feminism, he states that within the context of pornography, feminist activist and author Catharine MacKinnon argued that use of the word cunt reinforces the dehumanization of women by reducing them to mere body parts; and in 1979 feminist and author Andrea Dworkin described the word cunt as reducing a women to “the one essential, cunt: our essence, our offence” (Lacombe, 1994). In 21st century America, there are still a number of women that find the word cunt offensive; these articles, Unacceptable, The C-Word, are just a quick example of some of the negative viewpoints regarding the word cunt.
Perhaps it does not come as much of a surprise, but most women are neither overly headstrong about abolishing the word cunt, nor are they headstrong about fighting for its liberation. Instead, many women either find the word offensive or do not. In fact there are many blogs and articles such as, Debates on the C-Word, Why the C-Word is Losing Its Bite, Girl vs. Guy: the C-Word, that show the difference of opinion amongst everyday women within Western civilization.

However, there is a group of women who are fighting to reclaim the word cunt, not just fight to make the word acceptable within society, but honorific, similarly to how the LGBT groups have fought to reclaim and liberate the word queer (Langborgh, 2007). An example of this want for liberation can be seen in Inga Muscio’s book, Cunt: A Declaration of Independence. Throughout the book she examines the word cunt along with the meaning of the word vagina, explaining that cunt is a powerful and liberating word that refers to the whole ‘package of womanhood’; as opposed to the vagina, which is only a specific part of the female genitalia (Muscio, 1998). Other advocates and feminists that have fought to reclaim the word cunt are Germaine Greer and Eve Ensler from The Vagina Monologues ( There are a number of women around the globe fighting to reclaim the word cunt; articles such as, Why is the Word "Cunt" Such a Big Deal?, Reclaiming the C-Word, The Feminist Mistake, prove that there is a true debate among women about the word cunt, and whether it should be better off forgotten, or taken back as a word to be proud of.

Discussion and Conclusion
Living in a 21st century society, one should ask his or herself, what does it mean to be a cunt? Why would someone be called a cunt?  And if an individual is called a cunt, who would be more likely to use the word against another? Going back to the previous definitions presented above for the word cunt, one finds that a cunt is defined as a female’s genitals, an obscene term towards women, and/or someone who irritates or annoys you. Based on these definitions, along with the research, we can reinforce the hypothesis presented earlier that women are indeed the ones generally targeted and stigmatized by the word cunt.
Being that women are more often the target population of the word cunt, one would imagine that the individuals more likely to use the word cunt in a negative or stigmatizing manner would be males. If one takes this hypothesis of males being the more likely offenders to use the word against females, then the question that lingers is what is the underlying reason for labeling women as cunts? Perhaps the reason is based on what feminist Catharine MacKinnon argued about previously in the blog, that the word cunt labels women as nothing more than a set of sexual organs. If one observes women’s place within Western society, one finds evidence to suggest that women are in fact de-valued within society, potentially to the extent where a female would be considered (by men) to be nothing more than a set of sex organs. Over the years, the United States has been far from the best in terms of gender equality. However in 2010, the United States finally took its highest place ever in terms of how it ranks to other countries regarding sexual equality; which place did it take, 19th (DiBranco, 2010).
Within the first few days of the Social Deviance class, the students filled in what they believed society sees in terms of an ideal woman; some of the personality traits or requirements included being submissive to men and a woman who is seen in a lesser light than her male counterpart (Deviance Discussion, 2012). Furthermore, we see the inequality of males and females in terms of their gender roles regarding sex or sexual exploration. In Jennifer L. Dunn’s article “Everyone Knows Who the Sluts are”: How Young Women Get Around the Stigma, she explains that women who engage in sexual conquests or encounters “too often” are labeled “sluts” by both males and females (Dunn, 2010). However, men who engage in multiple sexual encounters are often commended by other males in society. Ultimately, Western society seems to have a long, rich history of stigmatizing women while rewarding/idling men; which is considered worse, calling someone a cock, or calling someone a cunt?
I won’t lie, I have enjoyed using the word cunt many times throughout the past few years of my life; I often use the term cunt to describe someone I think is a dumb or stupid individual, however I admit that I have used it to describe women I know that I dislike to the very core of my being. For those males who have shared similar experiences to mine, it may be easy for us to look at the history and current debate about the word cunt and say, “It’s not my problem, I never really use it that much, and when I do I don’t use it against females.” In Allan Johnson’s Privilege, Power, Difference, and Us he discusses the danger of individualism, the idea that everything is somebody else’s fault. For example, if you subscribe to the belief that all men are sexist, or that “well I’m not sexist, it’s those other guys,” then the issue regarding the word cunt and its relationship to sexism and inequality will never be addressed or resolved (Johnson).
Finally, in order to understand the importance of certain words and how they fit into ones society, one should ask why words we find incredibly offensive continue to exist in the first place. In Howard Becker’s article, Outsiders: Defining Deviance, he explains that outsiders are those that fail to meet or follow a specified rule created by ones society, or ones who end up breaking a rule when they were previously individuals who enforced it (Becker, 1963). The irony of this is that we punish individuals who use the word cunt, as well as punishing women for continuing to keep the word cunt around at all! Ultimately, this post is not designed to limit ones speech or to tell individuals that you’re a bad person if you use the word cunt. However, this post has hopefully shed some insight to the reader about the ramifications and ripple effects that ones words have in this world. Whether an individual realizes it or not, using the word cunt reinforces the idea that it is somehow shameful to be born with a vagina, or to be born or identify as a woman. If Western society truly wants to stand for the land of freedom and equality that it preaches, then it must release the shackles and stigmas it places on women, and allow them to be seen as the equal individuals that they are.
Remember what author Manly Hall said, “Words are potent weapons for all causes, good or bad”. Today I pledge to take the word cunt, and use it as a weapon for good, for equality, for womanhood. What will you use it for?

Word Count: ~ 2,900 words
Johnston, Hank; Bert Klandermans (1995). Social Movements and Culture. Routledge
Obtained through
Lacombe, Dany (1994). Blue Politics: Pornography and the Law in the Age of Feminism. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. p. 27 Obtained through
Anderson, O.S. The Proverbs of Alfred, 1: A study of the texts. Lund and London, 1942. Obtained through
Becker, Howard. 1963. “Outsiders-Defining Deviance.” Taken from online readings as well as from Readings in Deviant Behavior pg. 39
Dunn, Jennifer L. 2010. “Everyone Knows Who the Sluts are: How Young Women Get Around the Stigma.” Readings in Deviant Behavior. 2010.
Johnson, Allen. “Privilege, Power, Difference, and Us.” Privilege: a Reader. Taken from online readings.
Videos provided by
Photo by John Consiglio

Friday, April 6, 2012

Live Nude Girls Unite! Film Review

Live Nude Girls Unite! Film Review

The main thesis of this film, Live Nude Girls Unite!, is that individuals who work in the sex industry face many problems in their everyday work environment. This is due to the struggles these workers have to go through in order to gain some of the rights that other individuals in society receive automatically. These rights include health insurance and sick days, as well as safety precautions like two way glass and employee/customer interaction. The film follows the female workers at The Lusty Lady Strip Club in San Francisco, California as they unionize to achieve these rights from the owners, who seem to see their employees as money-makers, and not the PEOPLE they are. Overall, the films thesis is also the fact that these sex workers are just individuals like you and me, trying to make ends meet.

The main arguments that were made in support of this thesis came usually from the females who were working for (and later striking) The Lusty Lady. They contested that these rights they were fighting so hard for were generally handed to others in other industries such as health insurance or sick days. Also, they have to protest to stop certain practices that would not stand up in any other work place such as race inequality and discrimination (such as women’s breast size and hair color.)

This film relates to this course in a number of ways including gender issues and class inequality. Most evident however, is how sex workers are treated in society. In Jennifer K. Wesely’s Exotic Dancers: “Where Am I Going To Stop?”, she states that “It is natural, then, for exotic dancers to experience an identity conflict, feeling that their new identity as a deviant is assaulting their long-held identify as a conventional person.” Society tends to stigmatize sex workers as something less than human, therefore, the inequality they face isn’t really our concern. In Margo DeMello’s Humanizing Sex Workers?, she creates ads to help individuals in society recognize that individuals who work in the sex industry are real people, our mothers, daughters, and sisters. The film also touches upon the conflicts regarding capitalism, with the women fighting for rights from their owners.

The arguments/ points I found the most convincing revolved around the capitalistic conflicts that arose. As the women faced discrimination and conflicts at work, their bosses took away more rights and fired people to keep others in line. It reminds me of the 99% struggling and protesting against the 1%. They just want some equality and protection. Also (while not surprising) I was happy to see how well spoken and articulate many of “these” people are. Who would have thought these “strippers” or “sluts” had points on women’s rights, freedoms, and the fight for better rights in the workplace. There was nothing about this film I did not like, overall Live Nude Girls Unite! was my favorite film we watched in class…no not cause of that!!!! I hope every woman or man in the sex industry gets the rights and privilege they are entitled to.

Word Count: 509